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School Site Council & English Learner Advisory Committee

School Site Council  (SSC)

The School Site Council monitors our categorical programs that supplement the school budget and our Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP).  Members shall be selected or elected by their respective peer groups at the school such as teachers, other school personnel, and parents of students attending the school. Council members may serve on the SSC for two years or longer.  

SSC Meeting Schedule 2023-2024 

All Meetings held 3 -5 times a year from 4:00-5:00 pm Please email for the meeting link if you wish to attend.

Monday, October 2nd, 2023 - Minutes

Monday, December 4th, 2023- Minutes

Monday, March 4th - 2024 - Agenda/Minutes



English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)

An ELAC is intended for parents and guardians of English Learners to learn more about school programs and to advise the principal and school staff on programs and services for students who are English Learners.  

ELAC Meeting Schedule 2023-2024

ELAC meetings are held together with our School Site Council Meetings and meet three times a year from 4:00-5:00pm For more information, contact our principal, Samantha Haley: . We are searching for parents to serve on the ELAC committee, particularly parents whose children are served in our English Learners program.