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Parking and Traffic Procedures

Drop Off Route



Unfortunately, the Fammatre parking lot only has a few parking spaces available. Because of our limited space, we need parents and visitors to follow our important pickup and drop procedures to ensure the safety of all our students.

The ONLY place to park and get out of your car is in the 7 marked slots in front of the pine trees. If our stalls are occupied, you may park in the Price parking lot or in the adjacent streets in our neighborhood.

The curb by our front playground and office are for drop off and pick up only. Parents in this “inside” lane (RED ARROWS)must stay in their cars while picking up or dropping off their child.

Once the children are out of the car and safely on the sidewalk at morning drop off or back in your car for afternoon pick up you may then proceed to exit the inside lane and safely pull into the outside lane (BLUE ARROWS) to exit the parking lot.

If everyone follows our parking lot pick up and drop off procedures we will continue to have a safe environment for our students.

4 B’s for Fammatre Drop-offs and Pick-ups

Be Safe

  • Please make a complete STOP at all STOP signs.
  • Please do not make U turns anywhere near school.
  • Please abide all traffic laws…they still apply at 8:05 and 2:15!
  • Only drop off students from the inside drop-off lane (see red arrows on image above)

Be Caring

  • Make sure our children are safe, by following all traffic rules!
  • Keep your eyes out for our Fammatre community and assist others when you can!

Be Respectful

  • Be respectful of other parents and neighbors!
  • Take turns at the STOP sign!
  • Listen and be courteous to the staff on yard duty, our crossing guards, and all other adults wearing a safety vest.  They are there for the safety of YOUR children.  Many of them are volunteers!
  • Please do not park anywhere that is not a marked stall or a legal parking place on the street.

Be Responsible

  • Be aware when you are getting close to Fammatre of other children, cars, and families.
  • The curb by our front playground and office are for drop off and pick up only!
  • Do not leave your car unattended unless you are in a parking stall or parked legally on the street.
  • You may park in the Price parking lot if there are parking spots available.