Parent Resources
Parent Resources Page
You will find some important information through the links on the left and below. Parents are an important part of our school team. Please call or email the office staff (408 377-5480) or your child's teacher if you have any questions.
Some helpful links for parents:
- Assessment and Accountability
- Benchmark Advance English Language Arts Curriculum
- Biliteracy Pathway Awards Program
- California Department of Education
- California School Dashboard
- Common Sense Media
- Curriculum and Instruction Webpage
- Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA)
- English Learner Programs and Services
- Eureka Curriculum Math Parent Website
- Health Curriculum Website (Grade 5 & 7)
- Music Program
- Next Generation Science Standards
- Report Cards and Grade Reporting
- Second Step Curriculum - Social-Emotional Learning
- Transitional Kindergarten
- Writer's Workshop