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Health Office

General Health Information

Reporting an Absence

Please call the 24 hour attendance line at 377- 5480 ext. 3102 on the first day of your child's absence. Students are responsible for the missed work. Parents may contact the school and make arrangements to obtain homework. Please contact the school before noon for homework to be picked up at dismissal time. After 10 absences, parents will be asked to provide a doctor's excuse. Independent study contracts should be arranged with the office if there is more than a one day absence.

Medication Request

If you are unable to come to school to administer medication to your child, please have your doctor complete the Medication Request Form.

General Health Information

The incidence and severity of illness is greatly reduced when we work together and follow a few guidelines.

  • Parents of a child showing signs of illness or infection will be contacted. Please keep your emergency cards up to date for this reason.
  • Students put on medication for an infection should not return to school for at least 24 hours.
  • Medication (including cough drops, aspirin, etc.) cannot be administered at school unless the doctor completes a medication form. Forms are available in the office and can be faxed back.
  • Most medication can be timed so that the parent can give it at home. All medication must be kept in the office.
  • Students who are vomiting or running a temperature of more than 100 should be kept home.
  • Students with an unexplained rash should be kept home, and the doctor should be contacted.
  • The school should be notified of any communicable illness so that notes can be sent to classmates (strep throat, chicken pox, lice).

Medical and Dental Appointments

Please make appointments before or after school hours. If this is not possible and your child must be released from school, please send a note to the teacher and ask that your child be sent to the office at a designated time. This will eliminate classroom interruption. All students must meet parents/guardians in the office and be signed out before being released from school. If your child arrives late to school because of a doctor's appointment, please ask your doctor for a note.     

Children's Health Initiative:

The Children's Health Initiative (CHI) was established to provide access to health insurance to the estimated 71,000 uninsured children in Santa Clara County. CHI includes three health insurance programs: Medi-Cal, Healthy Families and a new program called Healthy Kids.